Parents have to advocate for themselves. In the current over-reaching government climate, parents cannot depend on any party standing up for their rights.
In 2017 the NDP government enshrined a horrible secrecy requirement in law. It made every school adopt an Orwellian “Safe and Caring” policy which forced teachers and staff to keep secrets from parents. In 2019 the UCP government removed that law. This change means that provincial legislation no longer explicitly forbids communication between schools and parents, nor offers a free pass for clubs and activities to offer sexual and religious content without any parental notification/opportunity to opt-out.
As of September 2019, provincial law no longer dictates that all school boards must include clauses in their policies that force staff to keep secrets from parents.
However, the majority of public and Separate (Catholic) school divisions, and even some private schools, continue to keep secrecy clauses in place.
Join your voice to that of Parents for Choice in Education to end this secrecy.
Please click on the image of the pdf below to print out the petition. Sign it. Get friends and family to sign it and send it in to us:
Parents for Choice in Education
Suite #622, 440-10816 Macleod Trail SE
Calgary, AB T2J 5N8
Reminder: To learn more about the dangerous gaps and concerns that currently exist in Alberta's K-12 education system, please visit the following sections of our website: "Health & Sexual Education" and "Laws and Policies that Strip Parental Rights".
Reminder: To learn more about the dangerous gaps and concerns that currently exist in Alberta's K-12 education system, please visit the following sections of our website: "Health & Sexual Education" and "Laws and Policies that Strip Parental Rights".