The History of Education in Alberta

Retired teacher and administrator Leif Stolee has put together a very detailed account of the evolution of Alberta's education system.  Rather than try to summarize it, I am going to include it here as a Word document in its entirety.  It is rather lengthy, but definitely worth the read.

Here is Mr. Stolee's introduction:

"As far as I know I am the only person in Alberta who has kept a running account of what has been happening in public education.  Now being eighty four years old, my memory is not what it used to be, but most of what is contained in the attached is based upon my articles, speeches, and letters written as things unfolded.
In a long life as a junior and senior high school teacher, a Social Studies Consultant for the Edmonton School District, the founding Principal of Old Scona Academic High School and a Vice Principal of Harry Ainlay Composite High School, and one of the founders of Albertans for Quality Education  I have always called the cards as I read  them.  I am well aware that my eye sight has not always been perfect." 

I have removed Leif's contact information from the document to keep it safe from Internet trolls, but I know that he is very keen to discuss this issue.  If you would like to get in contact with Leif please just send me a message and I will pass it along.
Forty Years of Conservative Control - Leif Stolee