Call-out to all UCP members


We urge all United Conservative Party (UCP) members to seize the opportunity to impact the governance and policies of your new party.

Stand up for students by ensuring the protection of authentic school choice and parental rights are reflected in the final UCP policies.

For the best chance of successfully adding these policy picks to the UCP policy document, they must receive at least 85% support from the online survey. We call on each UCP member to help reach this goal.


PCE’s recommendations below are focused only on the policy proposals which are directly related to our mission and principles.  

If you’re strapped for time, feel free to leave all other proposals blank.

For those who have extra time, there are many other education-related proposals that you may want to consider. See below for some extra tips. 

NOTE: When there is a group of similar policies on the same topic, only one will be accepted by the UCP. For this reason, PCE has identified the best option in each grouping and suggested voting “NO” for all others in the group.

DEADLINE to submit: Monday April 23, 2018


Education Survey - ACCESS HERE


156 YES
158 YES
161 YES
167 YES
169 YES


177 YES


186 to 192 NO
193 YES
195 NO
202 YES
210 YES
211 YES


229 YES
238 YES
243 YES


248 YES
257 YES


Statement of Principles, Government, and Rights - ACCESS HERE

16 NO
17 NO
18 YES   
32 YES


758 YES
764 YES


Justice, Community & Indigenous Survey - ACCESS HERE


624 YES
625 YES

More time available?  EXTRA TIPS

For those with more time available to sift through the 700+ total policy proposals, here are some extra tips:


Before going online to do the surveys, read through all the proposals for each section (i.e. Education, Health, Finance, etc.), available in Constitutional Document 1 (Statement of Principles, proposals #1-36) and Constitutional Document 2 (Member Policy Declaration, proposals #37-779)

Make note of the policy numbers which you strongly support (your “YES” votes), as well as ones you strongly disapprove of (your “NO” votes).

Where similar proposals are grouped together, going through proposals ahead of time will help you strategize which “version” you prefer. Only one policy from each group of similar policies will be accepted by the UCP so choose wisely.


"No is your friend"

If there are policies you don't think are important to deal with right now (even if you support them), consider voting 'no' rather than leaving it blank. The calculation of % support does not look at 'blanks' at all.  

For example, if 100 people complete the survey, and 30 vote 'Yes' while the rest leave it blank, that means 30/30 of the votes are positive and will be counted as 100% support. If the same 30 vote 'Yes' and 20 vote 'no', support is now 30/50 = 60%, and that policy will almost certainly not be debated.


OUR GOAL = 85+% support

Any policies receiving over 85% support on the online survey will be grouped into an “omnibus” package in each section and be voted on together at the AGM.  

Meeting this 85% threshold of online survey support is the best chance of getting these policies into the UCP policy document.

After omnibus package voting is done then individual proposals will be debated and voted on in the order of support they receive from the online surveys.  

There is limited time for debate at the AGM so it is essential that these preferred policies receive the highest level of support.

Attend the AGM to vote on these policies and ensure they are passed. Registration available here.

For any PCE supporter who has already registered at the AGM please let us know by clicking HERE or on the button below so you will receive exclusive updates and information.

Thanks so much for contributing your voice to this very important process.  


To access more information about the UCP governance and policy process, visit the UCP webpage "How to participate in Phase Two policy consultation